Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reflections on 2010 – Moving into 2011

Wow- I feel like I accomplished a lot this past year! First, I had my second baby boy. As most of you know we welcomed Ryan James Frank into the world 3 weeks early on December 19, 2009. Before I had Ryan a year ago, I thought I would just hole up at home for a year. The reason I thought this was because I wasn’t sure what life with two kids would be like. I didn’t know how I would transport them, if I would have energy to do anything, frankly if I could even handle being a mother of two. Well let me tell you, although tiring at first I really adjusted quite well. I had a ton of support from my friends and family. I also had people that encouraged me to get out and do things. We are now regulars at MOPS, Windsor Open Gym and Story Time. One friend challenged me to join her in walking the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer last summer. After much debate, I signed up, trained, helped raise thousands of dollars for the cause, and walked 40 miles over the course of two days. It was definitely a huge time commitment to train and raise money especially after having just had a baby. Picture me pumping in my car at dairy queen in the midst of a 20 mile training walk. Okay maybe you don’t want to picture that but it is true – whatever it took to get the job done.

My friend Lyndsey challenged me to do a program called the Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan. It is a simple program that you do over the course of nine weeks to prepare to run a 5k. So we would get together every other night after the kids went to bed and ran or jogged whatever you want to call it. We did it and completed the training. We ran our first 5k to benefit Spirit Crossing and then a few weeks later participated in the Fort Collins Spooktacular 5k which I ran in approximately 32 minutes! I was so proud of a 10 minute mile. I am also pleased to say that I have kept up with some hobbies and picked up a few new ones. Ryan’s scrapbook and baby book are almost complete. I also completed my first baby blanket and actually now know how to use my sewing machine. With having my two kids I have relied on the huge support of my best friend and husband. Without him none of what I accomplished this past year would have been remotely possible. God has also given me the ability and provision to do these things. I am a stay at home mom, who loves(not all the time) her 24-7 job and I feel privileged to be able to have all of these wonderful opportunities. I do my best to cherish every day and heavily rely on God’s grace.

As for 2011 some of my goals are to become more fit, eat less, cook more, stick to my grocery budget and be more faithful and mindful of God in my everyday life. Not necessarily in the order listed. Stay tuned for my post on monthly meal planning and for a list of all the recipes I tried in January. Also, update on my morning spin classes and yoga at Become Fit. I am so excited about the year to come and hope you will find this site to be not only a resource but one of encouragement. My desire is to share an open honest journey through life and faith in Christ.

1 comment:

Janell said...

Jess- so excited to hear how the meal planning went for January! And to see your recipes!! Love your pic too!!
